K & C 's Land

留言板總共有 58 篇留言

:) - 編號.2558191
ManChing - 2014-3-17 16:22


你最近好嗎? 我們已分開一段時間了, 感覺我都沒有好好結束這段關係, 所以相信是神讓我起筆讓我再在此留言

失戀的過程中, 我經歷過不同的階段, 有痛心過, 有憎恨過, 亦試過多次感覺自己已經復原但其後又在責怪你及責怪自己, 所以對於我之前對你的態度, 你一定感到很莫名其妙吧? 當中我花了好大力氣, 我想我現在已經平復很多

然後, 我其實想感謝你的! 想感謝你曾經給我的美好, 也感謝你曾經給我的痛苦, 當然我知道我也帶給你不少傷害, 所以在這裡也跟你說聲對不起! 我相信當中我們都有學習到的, 讓我們既往不咎, 都將今次學習到的在將來滋潤下一段關係, 好嗎?


My concern ... - 編號.2488552
Kenneth - 2013-12-8 17:18

HI Manching,

Want to share something with you that i found recently!

Indeed i had been in very doubt recently, please, please don't tell anyone.

This is very very serious, i am very doubt about my sexual orientation. You can't believe it right ? Even myself ...

I don't know why ... one day i just found that !

I was really afraid :(
I am still very scared as well ...

RE:My concern ... - 編號.2401869
Kenneth - 2013-12-8 17:19

I even thought of starting a relationship with a boy ...

I am so doubt!


Hi ... - 編號.2382915
Kenneth - 2013-7-25 15:38

Hey babe,

Would like to encourage you as well..

Recently you are thinking about RESIGN !!!

Just want to say it again.
Don't be afraid. I know it's hard my love, hard to say it to your supervisor. It's really hard.
But God has been there already.

And you shouldn't be afraid, because people should have the right to decide their own path,, plan for their own future,, walk their own way !!

Therefore, you should have the right to choose what's good for you, what is suitable for you babe.

Treat yourself better.. Do something you like, others opinions or views are definitely not the key...

So that's what i am going to say!
That's your life, so your say, and your way !!
With no fear!!!!

No Fear !!! Fear is never an option ...
Life should only go with NO REGRET !!!!!

Go on .. do whatever you want to do, i will just do the same! Standing behind and support you ...

Apology - 編號.2367647
Kenneth - 2013-6-10 15:46

I think i did hurt you ...

Just wanna apologize .. for what i'd said ...
I know it must be hurt ...
Sorry that i brought you such negative feelings!

Just want you to know that i didn't mean to hurt you or what .. Really sorry !

Thanks! - 編號.2361604
Kenneth - 2013-4-29 13:54



但我都很感恩你願意聆聽, 願意讓我抒發, 願意包容及忍耐我對你的指控

感謝你 ... 你的付出, 你的努力, 你的耐心 !!

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