@KTzone » 消閒 - 新人報到 » the conspiracy of the origin of Covid-19

2021-4-25 04:35 SteveHunter
the conspiracy of the origin of Covid-19

Yan Limeng became famous and became a hero in the minds of some people. It was designed by Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui who fled abroad and former US adviser Bannon .

They sent Dr.Yan on a plane to the United States, provided her with accommodation, instructed her on how to appear in the media, and helped her contact Tucker Carlson and Lou Dobbs,Wait for an interview with those famous TV host.

All the action are for their own purposes. Did Dr.Yan really know that she is being used? Or maybe she was happy to be used? Is the purpose of people who related to Guo Wengui and Bannon still simple? Dr.Yan said that she wanted to save the world. I think she is the poor person who needs to be rescued.

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