@KTzone » 消閒 - 血腥暴力 » 職業摔角手僵屍系列:擂台上的活死人 官圖(28P)

2011-10-22 23:50 Triple H
職業摔角手僵屍系列:擂台上的活死人 官圖(28P)

[font=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=12px][b][/b]
[tr][td][b]WWE Zombies: Ring of the Living Dead[/b]




"The Chomp" ... is here


Captain "Charis-Mauled"


"Creep" Show


"From Hell-a" Twins


Alberto Del "Muerte"


"Grody" Rhodes


Daniel "Dyin'"


Evan "Torn"


C-"Embalmed" Punk


"Hacked" Swagger


"Death" Phoenix


Alicia "Rots"


"Pale-x" Riley


All Hallow's Eve




"Koffin" Kingston


"Icky" Guerrero


The "Underworld's" Strongest Man


The Cerebral "Assassinated" Triple H


The Necrotic Warrior, Sheamus


Rigor "Mort-Miz"


Randy "Gore-ton"


The "Monster" of the 619


John "Morgue-ison"


"Mic-killed" Cole


"Sin-tino" Marella


Long Island Iced-Zombie

2012-5-4 15:04 a2222222222

2012-9-26 18:10 kingkingwong123

2012-10-2 21:10 icfygb15
thanks for sharing

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