@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » 熊貓對忍者 Pandas vs Ninjas Premium v1.5[轉載]

2011-8-18 10:25 bunnylai
熊貓對忍者 Pandas vs Ninjas Premium v1.5[轉載]

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Enjoy Pandas vs Ninjas with the following features:6 P" R! g/ U1 k
- Excellent animated graphics.4 ?& j; Y% r7 _
- Japanese theme.5 c7 @# W8 Z& n  f
- Beautiful sounds.7 c/ c; k8 m8 t5 H
- Great alternative to Angry Birds!
- features more realistic physics than in Angry Birds (realistic air resistance)*0 I) ]4 {9 ^5 R+ ]- l+ M: C
) `" {$ a4 o% M’ P- h: o3 |9 b
Here comes the FULL version… Let the fight begin!
7 U) D" v. K0 h4 [( }0 G) j
Help Pandas battle Ninjas in this fun and innovative physics-based game! Make every panda count!2 }/ V1 j3 Y% h* e( ^
3 E5 c, F, |+ x+ c- D
Defend Pandas' homeland by fighting Ninja invaders and destroying their camps. Enjoy highly addictive gameplay and realistic physics simulation.1 J7 H9 N6 m8 C5 D
Regardless, the fighting rages on to this day, and it's brought to your Android device by XIMAD! Help Pandas in their struggle (because they are cuter than Ninjas!) Command Pandas and destroy the camps of ruthless Ninja killers to defend Pandas' homeland.( q7 `& l( ]) K* `
* \$ g0 }3 x  Z. J
Game objective:
% u# f/ A3 A2 {5 A- A+ i: G3 O
- Complete each level by clearing it of all Ninjas with minimal number of shots!/ x! F+ g; V( B/ U- X1 d
- Earn top score for accuracy and minimal number of shots used and you will be awarded the Gold Medal of Honor after each level!+ r3 Z. I& J& F9 H4 i
; a- _8 K3 ]$ s" l
* Pandas vs Ninjas features physics that are more realistic than in Angry Birds. Our physics simulation accounts for drag due to air resistance that objects experience when they are thrown. It’s easy to notice when throwing pandas high up: end of panda’s trajectory is more steep then the beginning, whereas in Angry Birds trajectory of birds is a simple parabola.5 p8 @2 i, E( }; k8 b- @) h$ M
One of the Best Games inspired by Kung Fu Panda movies!. [$ Z/ G1 @( a) ~* f3 W% i  g) s
/ f8 S; q# B; Y
v1.5 版本更新5 C* K1 ]: X  N; w% C7 m2 Z
- Fixed bug (white screen in select scenario on 1.5 version)[/color][/font]


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[color=#ff0000]來源 : approid-approid[/color]

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