@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » iPhone跨平台:非常跳躍 Mega Jump V1.3[轉載]

2011-5-9 09:08 bunnylai
iPhone跨平台:非常跳躍 Mega Jump V1.3[轉載]

【遊戲介紹 Game Description】
非常跳躍Mega Jump是一款從Iphone移植過來的 Android 遊戲,在Iphone上曾經創造過數百萬的玩家的熱捧,因為這款遊戲擁有色彩亮麗的畫面和極富動感的光影效果,還有簡單有趣卻有極富挑戰性的遊戲方式,無論男女老少都適合玩!
該 Android遊戲 的操作很簡單,就是晃動 手機 來控制角色左右移動,去獲得金錢和各種道具,金幣是向上跳的動力哦! 所以吃越多金幣就獲得更好的成績,其他的道具只是搭配輔助高分的工具! 上升過程應該注意一些一些四處遊走的小東西,這些會阻礙你向上跳躍,消耗你的能量,應當盡 ​​量避免! 遊戲比較大,請慎重下載! 最新版本,分享給G友們!
注意:獲得高分的同時,你還將獲得Mega Points-MP,可以用來解開更多角色和其他項目。 當然如果你覺得通過遊戲來獲得MP話,也可以通過遊戲的 在線 商店購買。
新角色:Tyrone 霸王龍
新角色:Dizzy 不會飛的龍
A jumping game of epic proportions!
Over 14 Million Players! Join in!
“Superb” – Slide to Play
“Incredibly addictive” – Gamezebo
“You’ll be amazed with how long you’re going to be playing!” – Appmodo
Get ready to blast off on an epic jumping journey with Mega Jump!
Collect coins, grab crazy powerups, and evade monsters to boost yourself to the edge of the Universe and beyond!
Mega Jump has got what you need:
★ Eye-popping cartoon graphics and beautiful multi-layered backdrops
★ Grab the Fireball and Super Nova Mega Boosts and hang on for a fiery ride!
★ Collect coins and stars for big points and huge combo boosts!
★ Turn into a Balloon! Strap on some Jump Boots! Become a Coin Magnet! Hover with the Action Umbrella or zap enemies with the Power Shield!
★ Multiple stages – try to reach the edge of space and beyond!
★ Reached the final stage? Try the Hard stages for an extra challenge!
★ Watch out for killer items and monsters that’ll stop you dead in your tracks!
★ Unlock all kinds of awesome new characters to play with!
★ Hilarious sound effects and a bumping sound track!
★ Regular updates with new features and upgrades!
★ Dozens of unlockable achievements for maximum gamerscore!
★ Online worldwide leaderboards with Feint!
★ Compete with your friends on Facebook and Twitter!
What are you waiting for? Grab Mega Jump and start jumping!
Mega Jump has over 7 million players and counting! Thanks to all the Mega Jumpers out there!
【系統要求 System Requirements】
Android 2.1及以上
【遊戲圖片 Game Screenshots】
【APK下載連結 Download】
【解壓密碼 Password】

來源 :Approid.HK

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