@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » 經典動作遊戲:都市英雄Meganoid 1.3.3[轉載]

2011-5-9 08:57 bunnylai
經典動作遊戲:都市英雄Meganoid 1.3.3[轉載]

【遊戲介紹 Game Description】
這款遊戲的靈感來源於上個世紀80、90年代的那些經典遊戲(洛克人和銀河戰士),跟超級瑪麗也很像。 採用了經典的像素圖形風格,逼真的還原了那些老遊戲的感覺。 這款遊戲的節奏很快,每一個具有挑戰性的關卡都可以在數分鐘內完成,但是要想順利通關,也需要你多多努力。
Be the last hero
** Now at 70 levels and 50 Sarge levels ! still adding more!
Meganoid gets most of it’s inspiration from 80s and 90s games, the pixel-art graphic style is on purpose!
Each challenging level can be completed within a minute of gaming, making the pace of the game pretty fast, but many levels require multiply tries to complete. New levels will be added in updates!
On top of the OpenFeint achievement challenges, every level also rewards you with a Time star and a Diamond star to collect!
Meganoid comes in full 8bit retro pixelart style, complete with chiptune and sound effects, we love this style, and it fits the genre!
Keep updated on this game by checking: [url]http://www.orangepixel.net/meganoid/[/url]
If you have battery-life issues, go to game title screen and press back button, this will exit the game completely.
if you run into problems or the game wont work on your device, instead of just rating 1 star, you could help us fix it by providing feedback!
keywords ;) – retro 2D platform action game 8bit pixelart
【系統要求 System Requirements】
Android 2.1及以上
【遊戲圖片 Game Screenshots】
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來源 :Approid.HK

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