@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » [Approid.HK首發]NVIDIA官方遊戲:彈珠台 Pinball HD for Tegra v1.0_1746[轉載]

2011-5-9 08:53 bunnylai
[Approid.HK首發]NVIDIA官方遊戲:彈珠台 Pinball HD for Tegra v1.0_1746[轉載]



【遊戲介紹 Game Description】
Gameprom釋放他們獲獎的遊戲給 NVIDIA Tegra的供電設備。
大師們的便攜式彈球遊戲,Gameprom,已被利用了NVIDIA R Tegra的™處理器,以創造最佳的高清版本的彈珠任何設備!讚揚其使命為基礎的遊戲方式,注重細節,彈球高清一直是最暢銷的IOS平台上,並贏得 2010年奧運會蘋果設計獎。這個版本增加了增強的圖形與現實主義的,現實的物理學和流暢的遊戲。
遊戲具有三個獨特的彈球表 – 狂野西部,深,和叢林風格 – 每個國家都有它自己的風格和任務系統。房屋署會改變你的彈珠的彈珠台的概念。你會震驚的現實主義的程度。這是一個真正彈球模擬器以驚人的3D圖形,有或沒有 3D眼鏡。
- 一個美妙的3D引擎,真實的物理,突出您的NVIDIA Tegra的功能設備。
- 風景模式顯示了一個全表視圖。可以玩的遊戲在橫向方向上的按鈕,左邊或右邊的屏幕上。
- 人像模式提供了一個飛行表視圖與相機平移和縮放過的行動。
- 相機傾斜帶來的維度為奧運提供一個模擬 3D效果。相機傾斜只能在橫向模式。
- 立體成像技術(需要立體 3D眼鏡)。你可以選擇紅青色,綠色或黃色洋紅,藍色鏡片。

Gameprom unleashes their award-winning game to NVIDIA Tegra-powered devices.
The masters of portable pinball gaming, Gameprom, have taken advantage of the NVIDIAR Tegra™ processor to create the best version of Pinball HD on any device! Praised for its mission-based gameplay and attention to detail, Pinball HD has been a top seller on the iOS platform and won the 2010 Apple Design Award in Games. This version adds to the realism with enhanced graphics, realistic physics, and stutter-free gameplay.
The game features three unique pinball tables – Wild West, The Deep, and Jungle Style – each with its own genre and mission system. Pinball HD will change your concept of Pinball. You’ll be stunned by the degree of realism. This is a REAL Pinball simulator with stunning 3D graphics, with or without 3D glasses.
- A wonderful 3D engine with realistic physics that highlights the capabilities of your NVIDIA Tegra device.
- Landscape mode shows a full table view. The games can be played in either landscape orientation with the button to the left or right of the screen.
- Portrait mode gives you a flying-table view with the camera panning and zooming over the action.
- Camera tilt brings dimensionality to the games offering a simulated 3D effect. Camera tilt only works in landscape mode.
- Stereoscopic imaging option (requires anaglyph 3D glasses). You can choose between red-cyan, green-magenta or yellow-blue lenses.

【系統要求 System Requirements】
Android 2.2及以上

【遊戲圖片 Game Screenshots】





【APK下載連結 Download】
Tegra 2版本(LG 2X,MOTO ATRIX/XOOM,Dell Streak 7等等)
[url=http://hotfile.com/dl/117124905/a753be8/Pinball_HD_for_Tegra2_v1.0_1746.exe.html][color=#0000ff]http://hotfile.com/dl/117124905/ ... _v1.0_1746.exe.html[/color][/url]

非Tegra 2(已測試DHD,I9000)
[url=http://hotfile.com/dl/117124910/5bd8f3f/Pinball_HD_v1.0_1746.exe.html][color=#0000ff]http://hotfile.com/dl/117124910/ ... _v1.0_1746.exe.html[/color][/url]

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來源 :Approid.HK

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