@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » iPhone移植--Reiner Knizia的迷宫 v1.2.1a [轉載]

2011-4-13 09:58 bunnylai
iPhone移植--Reiner Knizia的迷宫 v1.2.1a [轉載]


【遊戲介紹 Game Description】
《Labyrinth》是遊戲大師Reiner Knizia最新的解謎遊戲。
遊戲有三個階段。在你完成Hedge Maze後,你到達Castle Ruins,之後是Dungeons。一關比一關難。

Reiner Knizia's Labyrinth is an addictive maze puzzle!
Labyrinth is the latest addictive puzzle from the legendary game designer, Dr. Reiner Knizia. You take the role of a hero venturing deep into the earth in search of unknown treasures. Along the way you must face both danger and opportunity.
Can you find the way through the labyrinth to the hidden riches deep inside the mountain? Will you be able to defeat the dragons guarding the treasure?
The game mechanics are very simple, but incredibly addictive. You build a labyrinth by dragging tiles into a 4x4 grid and rotating them into place. Your objectives while building the labyrinth are:
1. Get through the labyrinth to the upper side
2. Avoid the monsters
3. Collect swords that let you deal with the monsters
4. Collect treasures on the way
The game is divided into 3 scenarios. You start off in the Hedge Maze, with the basic game as described above. When you have completed all levels of the Hedge Maze, you proceed into the Castle Ruins. This scenario is haunted by ghosts who randomly block tiles and make it harder for you to find your way out. The third scenario is in the Dungeons, and really quite hard to get through.
We apologize in advance for wasting hours of your life, stuck in a digital labyrinth.

-Please note you need a lot of free space on your phone or tablet, otherwise the package installer will not work and it will not give you any error message!
-Try to avoid the crash at startup: Android 2.2 (Froyo) is buggy?(請儘量減小首次運行時出錯)
-Prefer external storage when downloading the game.(偏向安裝至手機sd卡)
-Support back key in various screens.(支持各種解析度)
-Cap framerate to avoid battery drain.(覆蓋幀運行頻率以減少手機耗電)

【系統要求 System Requirements】
Android 2.1及以上

【遊戲圖片 Game Screenshots】


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來源 :Approid.HK

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