@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » [Approid.HK首發]小品遊戲-穿山甲丘陵飛翔Dillo Hills v1.0.0

2011-4-1 10:27 bunnylai
[Approid.HK首發]小品遊戲-穿山甲丘陵飛翔Dillo Hills v1.0.0


【遊戲介紹 Game Description】
下坡時按住 屏幕 加速,即將上坡時鬆開屏幕,穿山甲就會飛到空中~

This tiny armadillo's biggest dream is to fly through the air like a bird. But without any wings, he'll have to improvise! Slide along hills to build up speed, then take to the sky and soar!

Dillo Hills features fast-paced physics, a beautiful environment, challenging obstacles, and four lovable characters who all dream of reaching the sky! The game is simple to learn, but only the best and the bravest will explore distant lands and dominate the scoreboard!

【系統要求 System Requirements】
Android 2.2及以上 + Adobe AIR

【遊戲圖片 Game Screenshots】



【APK下載連結 Download】
[url=http://hotfile.com/dl/112195413/8b42f2f/Dillo_Hills_v1.0.0.exe.html][color=#0000ff]http://hotfile.com/dl/112195413/ ... lls_v1.0.0.exe.html[/color][/url]

【Adobe AIR下載連結 Download】
[url=http://hotfile.com/dl/112195542/7a4d2e2/Adobe_Air_v2.6.0.1912.exe.html][color=#0000ff]http://hotfile.com/dl/112195542/ ...[/color][/url]

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2011-4-1 21:27 rainbowsick
good ar good ar
support support
thanks for sharing

2011-4-1 21:50 rainbowsick
thanks for sharing

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