@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » BlastABall v1.1爆破飛球

2011-3-27 13:51 bunnylai
BlastABall v1.1爆破飛球


【遊戲介紹 Game Description】
這款遊戲與《提基高爾夫》屬於同一個公司,而整體的遊戲設計風格也延續了《提基高爾夫》般的怪誕與幽默。 遊戲玩法很簡單,調整大砲發射的起始角度,調整好力量槽,將猥瑣的小球發射出去,之後你要穿越各種障礙,然後擊靶得分!

Shatter rock targets. Careen through rings of fire...
Its the Tiki Volcano Games again and time for one of our favorite events... drum-roll... BlastABall ! This is the first installment of Tiki Volcano Games in a long line of planned events.
Load your cannon up with powder and Boom Kapow or whatever! Use strategy with your trajectory to destroy as many targets as possible, unlock 30 new areas, earn up to 90 badges and acquire 30 bronze silver or gold trophies. Multiple camera views give you every vantage point needed to line up the perfect shot. Guidance prediction paths show you the exact ball trajectory you can expect the ball to travel when the right power level is applied. After that it is all down to your timing and skill on the power meter.
Have you ever wanted to know what it feels like to be fired from a cannon? Put yourself in the drivers seat and play the part of a BlastABall as your are hurled through the air, its zany crazy fun for the whole family!
Enjoy the character of the cannon balls, expressions and movements as they fly and flail through airspace. Blast through multiple styles of reactive targets, each with its own behaviors, reacting differently based on your hit accuracy, location of the hit, and type of target. Shatter rock targets. Careen through rings of fire. Warp through the bulls-eye targets. Shake the world with shock waves when you land. Play a level many times to master it and achieve, all badges, max score and the gold trophy!

【系統要求 System Requirements】
Android 2.1及以上

【遊戲圖片 Game Screenshots】



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