@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » 地牢守護者Dungeon Defenders: First Wave 5.0.2

2011-3-27 13:50 bunnylai
地牢守護者Dungeon Defenders: First Wave 5.0.2

地牢守護者Dungeon Defenders: First Wave 5.0.2


【遊戲介紹 Game Description】
Dungeon Defenders: First Wave (地牢守護者)這是一款非常好玩的遊戲,同樣也是基於虛幻引擎開發,加上卡通渲染風格,其畫面表現力毋庸置疑。 遊戲提供了豐富的遊戲內容! 將塔防和動作RPG結合起來,既要動手更要動腦! 4種不同的職業,大量的裝備和道具,可自定義的角色造型,還有漫天蓋地的敵人,無論是休閒玩家還是重度骨灰都一定會大呼過癮!

性能 內存 改進

Epic Online cooperative Action-RPG meets Tower Defense: join the battle! The definitive Unreal-powered next-gen Android game! PvP competitive is coming soon!

Check Phone Compatibility list below, and make sure you have 600 MB of SD Card free space to install the game.
(Now supports 2.1 Eclair! AND Online play over 3G/4G!)

What the press has to say
Slide To Play
"Excellent, Unreal-powered graphics; colorful and fun mix of action, RPG, and tower defense genres; excellent cooperative multiplayer (4/4)"

iAppGame.com (Korea)
"The best co-op action rpg with strategic and in-depth defense play! 37/40(Platinum)"

"A whole lot of World of Warcraft aesthetics, plus stats. Lots of stats. Loot. Leveling. Money. Mana. Getting the picture? I kinda love Dungeon Defenders and it's blending of ro​​le-playing game with tower defense."

"At just US$2.99​​ for the universal app, it's a rea​​lly excellent title. For the right gamer who's ready to conquer the heady mix of various game genres, Dungeon Defenders: First Wave could be extremely rewarding. It's a great game, and for the right player, it might be one of the best games on iOS of the year."

Take on the role of one of four distinct Hero classes, and battle hordes of invading creatures by strategically summoning a variety of Towers & Traps throughout your Castle. Directly partake in the action-packed combat with your hero, while leveling up, gathering tons of loot, customizing & upgrading equipment, and developing your class abilities.

All of this can be played in seamless online GameCenter multiplayer, as you cooperate and compete throughout the Campaign & Challenge Missions to build the strongest heroes and achieve the highest scores in the online kingdom.

Combining the depth of strategic gaming with the satisfying action of RPG character building, in a beautifully stylized 'toon fantasy setting built with Epic Games' Unreal® Engine 3, DD is designed to be an addictive experience for casual and veteran gamers alike!

For full features list, see: [url]http://dungeondefenders.com/game/features[/url]

Localized in English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano, Español

ESRB: Everyone 10+
PEGI: 12+


Note: Please restart your device after installing the game.

NOTE: If you have trouble installing the game via the in-app downloader, please read these instructions for a manual content install: [url]http://dungeondefenders.com/[/url] android mobile

Suggested Devices:


All Tegra 2 Based Devices


Nexus S
Samsung Galaxy Tablet
Samsung Galaxy/Captivate based Cell Phones
Samsung Galaxy S

Droid X
Droid 2
T-Mobile G2
myTouch 4G
HTC Desire HD

Minimum Requirements:

512 MB RAM (256 free at runtime)
GPU capable of OpenGL ES 2.0
Android 2.1
800 Mhz CPU or greater recommended
SD card with at least 600 MB free storage

Recent changes:
New Familiars/Pets/Animii to aid you!
New Campaign & Challenege missions!
New Weapons & Equipments!
Special surprises for high-level Heroes!
Major performance and memory improvements
Raised item level caps
Tweaks, Balances, & Fixes

Latest version: 5.0 ( pour les versions Android 2.1 et plus, supports App2SD)

【系統要求 System Requirements】
Android 2.1及以上

【遊戲圖片 Game Screenshots】




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高通CPU(Desire, Nexus one etc.)

德州儀器CPU(Galaxy S, Milestone, Droid etc.)




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