@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » IPhone移植大作-中世紀魔幻戰略遊戲 HIGHBORN CHAPTER 2 v1.2.1

2011-3-27 13:45 bunnylai
IPhone移植大作-中世紀魔幻戰略遊戲 HIGHBORN CHAPTER 2 v1.2.1


【遊戲介紹 Game Description】
有著濃郁英雄無敵風格的中世紀魔幻背景的戰略遊戲——《Highborn》。 遊戲的畫面以2D 地圖 結合3D戰鬥畫面為主,模式則是回合製戰略遊戲。

你將要指揮你的部隊——你可以是正義的騎士、牧師、法師,也可以是邪惡的可以是惡魔、妖精、水妖,選擇自己所喜歡的陣營與你的對手展開廝殺吧。 認真的思考你的戰略部署,還要合理的運用你所擁有的英雄,才能取得最後的勝利。 更多的去發起戰鬥,來解鎖更多的英雄,將使得你在後面的戰役中能擁有更多的戰略手段。

而且你還可以和Facebook上的 朋友 一同展開網絡對戰,利用3G或者Wi-Fi。 同時你不用擔心因為多人聯網游戲造成3G 流量 超標,因為當其他玩家進行行動時,你將會停留在一個固定等待畫面,直到你的行動回合開始。 這樣就不會造成大量流量的產生。 對英雄無敵式的回合製戰略遊戲感興起的朋友一定不要錯過。

Product Features
-Critically acclaimed casual turn-based strategy game
-Tale of witty dialogue, wacky heroes, and wild assumptions
-Unique blend of strategic movement and 3D combat
-Hero characters with game progression
-Many styles of play and strategies to use against opponents

Product Description
From the creators of the Command & Conquer franchise comes Highborn, a critically acclaimed casual turn-based strategy game.
In Highborn, players are offered two strategy games that combine an intelligent and tactical experience without the frenetic play of a traditional RTS. Players move forces around an overhead map to secure spells and combat support, then dive into 3D combat to deploy those advantages against an unsuspecting enemy. All the fun and fighting is set against an irreverent tale, filled with wacky heroes, witty dialogue, and wild assumptions.
Highborn features a unique blend of strategic movement and 3D combat that caters to a variety of gameplay styles and offers a great deal of replayability. Players unlock hero characters as they progress through the game, giving them access to different abilities and play styles, along with different strategies to use against their opponents.
For more information about Highborn, check out the Jet Set Games, Inc. Website, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube for videos.

Technical Details
-Version: 1.2.1
-Minimum Operating System: Android 2.0.1
*Retailed by Legion
*Cracked using Amazon DRM subversion method developed by Twingo

【系統要求 System Requirements】
Android 2.0及以上

【遊戲圖片 Game Screenshots】




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