@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » 3D星際大戰遊戲: 星際混戰 StarPagga v1.96

2011-3-14 20:02 bunnylai
3D星際大戰遊戲: 星際混戰 StarPagga v1.96

Overview: Action packed multiplayer space dogfighting
StarPagga is one of the most action packed multiplayer games available on the Android Market! You can configure your spacecraft, and engage in a series of dangerous fast-paced dogfights.[color=#ffffff]
[url=/thread431217.html#post1667855][color=#0000ff][遊戲] 3D星際大戰遊戲: 星際混戰 StarPagga v1.96[/color][/url] 2c0c6ba7

• Action packed 3D space combat
• Single player campaign
• 8 player multiplayer (LAN and Internet)
• 14 challenging missions
• 2 tutorials
• 4 challenge missions with online leaderboards
• Battle in a variety of different space environments from Saturn's rings, dense asteroid fields, orbital construction zones, deep fog plasma clouds and planet surfaces
• Use the accelerometer or touch interface to control your spacecraft
• Use the mini-map radar to track your position, and that of your wingmen and enemies
• You'll need to master evasive combat manoeuvres
• 8 configurable spacecraft available - you can name them, and then equip them with your choice of:
- Pulse Lazer
- Beam Lazer
- Fusion Torpedoes
- Anti-Matter Missiles
- Shield Generator
- Cloaking Device
- Computer
- Thrusters
- Afterburner
- Defence Matrix
- Shield Regenerator
- Shield Battery
• Frequent updates
One of the most action packed space dogfighting games on Android to date! Join the community - we'll see you in the skies.



Starpagga v1.96.part1.rar (10 MB)

Starpagga v1.96.part2.rar (5.95 MB)

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