@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » HTC Wildfire有內建GPS嗎?

2011-2-19 19:55 enable
HTC Wildfire有內建GPS嗎?

:21: 明明就有導航的功能!

[[i] 本帖最後由 bunnylai 於 2011-2-19 20:37 編輯 [/i]]

2011-2-19 20:37 bunnylai
[quote]原帖由 [i]enable[/i] 於 2011-2-19 19:55 發表 [url=http://www02.ktzhk.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=26758294&ptid=1461029][img]http://www02.ktzhk.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
:21: 明明就有導航的功能! [/quote]


Firstly open up the menu on the phone (press the menu button) then the settings option. From here scroll to “Location” and click on the “Use GPS satellites”. Load up your apps and you’ll see “maps” (if not you may need to download it for free from the market). With “maps” open you should be able to see a map of your general area as long as the phone can receive a GPS signal. The main reason it wouldn’t be able to receive one is if you are in a building and not close enough to a window to receive a signal. If this is the case then just go outside and you soon get exactly where you are shown on your phone. If you press on the thing that looks like a compass it will show where you are (if for whatever reason it’s stopped). Whilst on maps keep watching the screen and you will see the screen updating as you move, this however will be using your internet allowance to load up the map and traffic updates.

最好係街, 公園等空礦試..
首先開GPS, 然後開地圖,移動一下定位會更精準
開頭個icon果兩條綠色會閃閃下既(找衛星中), 定好位之後先會定著不會閃動既
個icon定了之後就按部機下面個"menu"按鈕, 按"我的位置".
當然你部機係有得上網先會見到地圖. 如果唔係就要用離線地圖software好似rmaps.. 等等


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