@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » Drift Mania Championship 瘋狂漂移 v1.2.2

2011-2-16 22:03 bunnylai
Drift Mania Championship 瘋狂漂移 v1.2.2

[Andriod 賽車遊戲] Drift Mania Championship 瘋狂漂移 v1.2.2


曾在Ipad/Iphone上擁有數百萬忠實者的《Drift Mania Championship 》降臨至Android平臺了,瘋狂漂移Drift Mania Championship一款非常華麗的賽車遊戲,玩家不但需要挑戰若干個彎道,還得不能落後于對手。在遊戲中,影響漂移的4個主要標準為:速度,線路,角和碰撞影響。線路:在預 先指定的區域漂移能夠得到加分;角度:越大越好;速度:始終嘗試漂移。遊戲內置超華麗3D圖像引擎,畫面逼真,聲效動感,不僅需要控制速度,還需要控制路線,角度以及衝擊力,並且完全相容800X480 854X480螢幕的手機,非常不錯!最新版本,已經付費,分享給G友們!
* 尖端控制系統,包括一個可變節氣門系統和液壓手刹
* 5大賽車(牽引力,馬力,扭矩等獨特的規格賽車)
* 3個獨特的賽道
* 3個級別的難度
* 3個攝像頭的配置,選擇一個你最舒服的攝像頭
* 重放系統
* 良好的原聲音樂
* 獨家內容包括DMCC的事件介紹視頻和照片

Drifting is the act of maneuvering a vehicle through corners at speeds and angles that exceed the vehicle’s grip. A drift is when a driver performs a controlled slide through corners while adhering to the racing line. Drifting involves fast cars, super skilled drivers and hardcore fans.
It’s a combination of driving skill, style and showmanship. It’s all about loss of the rear wheel traction while keeping the race car in total control. Drifting is so popular because it brings all the best aspects of motor sports into one package. Highly skilled drivers control a high powered street car past its limit, sideways at high speed, burning rubber. It can’t get any better!




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