@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » [Android 射擊遊戲] Last Stand 僵屍防禦:最後的戰役 v1.0.1

2011-2-15 11:36 bunnylai
[Android 射擊遊戲] Last Stand 僵屍防禦:最後的戰役 v1.0.1

Android 射擊遊戲] Last Stand 僵屍防禦:最後的戰役 v1.0.1
Last Stand (最後的戰役)V1.0,是一款以恐怖氣氛為題材的射擊 android 遊戲。故事講述地球被僵屍大軍包圍,面對這些亡靈,要求你用手槍,機關槍和炸藥來消滅僵屍大軍,屠殺時候獲得積分,進入新一輪的新行動!
- 基於充滿恐怖氣氛的動作射擊遊戲;
- 多種武器選擇:手槍、闊步地雷、衝鋒槍、自動步槍、機關槍、炸藥,突擊步槍;
- 簡單的虛擬按鈕控制
- 屠殺時候獲得積分,以便升級進入下一輪行動
Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: It’s you against the undead horde. Alone and hemmed in from all sides you stumble across the last gunshop on earth. It's time to tool up, face the mob and go out in a blaze of glory.
+ Action filled round based gameplay
+ Fight the zombie horde with a range of pistols, machine guns and explosives
+ Earn points for your carnage and spend them on further carnage
+ Pistol
+ Claymore mines
+ MP5 machine gun
+ Magnum handgun
+ Assault rifle
This is just the beginning...







2011-2-15 16:03 gaoxiong123

2011-2-15 18:35 havewing
thank you for sharing

2011-2-15 20:02 popolo543
感謝分享 先收下了^^

2011-2-15 20:20 ktztat

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