@KTzone » 成人貼圖 » 成人 - 另類成人圖片 » 跟乳暈好大的妹妹打炮自拍

2010-3-30 02:47 1214bb

2010-3-30 07:55 orange1215
•        AP sacrum and coccyx
i.        Control panel is set with 80kVp and 15 mAs, using bucky
ii.        Film is loaded into cassette. Size of cassette and film used are 10” x 12”
iii.        Cassette is correct aligned with detent done; center the x-ray beam to the bucky. The drawer is put in thoroughly.
iv.         Call the patient. Identified the patient by asking her identity card number.
v.        Told the patient that we are going to do a spine x-ray. Ask her LMP to confirm she is not pregnant.
vi.        Lead the patient to the table bucky. Position patient with arm at side and head on table or on thin pillow.
vii.        Align midsagittal plane to CR and midline of table. Flex knee and hips to reduce thoracic curvature. Ensure no rotation of pelvis or thorax exists.
viii.        Angle CR 15o cephalad, centered to midsagittal plane midway between level of symphysis pubis and ASIS
ix.        . Area should include, lumbar and sacrum.
x.        Radiation protection is given to gonad.
xi.        Place the marker on the bucky.
xii.        Set SID to 100 cm.
xiii.        Told the patient later I’ll go out and he/she has to hold her breath a while.
xiv.        After exposed, told the patient the examination is over. He can wait outside.
xv.        Film is sent for processing.

2010-3-30 10:58 bmwe30

2010-4-3 12:22 likking192king


2010-4-11 04:15 orange1215

2010-11-20 19:24 xucongcong0309

2010-11-21 01:25 choilon
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2010-11-21 01:53 choilon
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2010-11-29 21:18 zxc252
回復 #1 rhy6unm 的帖子


2010-11-30 01:15 akirareid

2010-11-30 01:17 akirareid
回復 #1 rhy6unm 的帖子


2010-12-4 01:11 ddv1234

2010-12-4 21:12 haccp123

2010-12-4 22:09 rockyou321

2010-12-5 09:38 poiuy1973
good it

2010-12-5 09:59 39101010
回復 #1 rhy6unm 的帖子

不錯喔  看看ㄅ

2010-12-5 22:32 tn1997
thanks for sharing

2010-12-6 20:31 alibaba1080

2010-12-8 00:20 jk123456789

2010-12-8 01:42 陸克
回復 #1 rhy6unm 的帖子

want see

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